Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Welcome to Moon Dance Designs 2020!

It's time! Time for a total make over of Moon Dance Designs! Moon Dance Designs was established in Second Life in 2007, and has gone through many changes over the years! From it's humble beginnings on a small mainland plot, to full private regions...with many satellite locations through the years to expanding outside of Second Life to Open Sim grids. Moon Dance Designs is now back HOME in 2020!

As of this writing, the shops (Yes, shops!) have been remodeled, a new vending system will be installed, as well as more offerings for all your avatar needs! Some older items (mostly jewelry) will still be offered, and others retired to discount vendors.

For right now, the land is closed so I can complete all the updates needed and start bringing you more frequent, NEW exciting products. The Moon Dance group will be opened and offered for free during this transition, please be sure to join the inworld group while free, for gifts, discounts and new release previews! A subscriber will be available as always, but will not have the perks the inworld group has!

I'm excited about the new changes, and hope you will be too, and let others know....Moonie is back!
